VMG Renovation is a generational family run construction business based out of the Bay Area. They came to MizBiz for help in six areas.

  • VMG had hired another company to build them a website but unfortunately, as so often is the case, that company did not deliver what was promised. So Victor at VMG came to us for help.

    They needed to increase website load time, SEO, and a need for the directory to set up. Additionally, the overall design needed to be tweaked to fit the business, including some graphic design help. People also needed to be able to find the website so we worked on google ads and general advertising strategy as well. VMG also opted for a marketing strategy so we could hit from a proper angle as well as lay out the best way for them to operate their own social media.

  • Calls started coming in within days of starting the new marketing strategy

    A quick-loading website that shows up at the top of Google results!

    An increase across the board in SEO metrics.

    Successful Google Ads campaigns, the success was marginal at first as we worked with their limited budget but as the budget was able to increase the success did as well. Now VMG receives multiple calls a day and several leads per week.

    Cohesive design that fits the company’s vision

    And all of this cost less than the first company who ended up giving them a full refund for the year they spent with them.